
Date Time Call Mode Sent Recv Band Country
07/09/19 12:13 SP6EIY PSK31 599 599 20m Poland
07/09/19 12:07 HG5OSI PSK31 599 599 20m Hungary
07/09/19 11:59 ESØOU PSK31 599 599 20m Estonia
07/09/19 11:44 IV3VOU PSK31 599 599 20m Italy
07/09/19 11:38 IZ2NAC PSK31 599 599 20m Italy
07/09/19 11:31 YO2MHF PSK31 599 599 20m Romania
07/09/19 11:25 OE6FTE PSK31 599 599 20m Austria
06/09/19 20:53 DM1RTH CW 599 599 80m Federal Republic Of Germany
06/09/19 20:28 PA3FAU CW 56/89 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 20:20 PA3DSJ CW 569 589 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 20:05 PA3GQF/QRP CW 569 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 19:50 GM4JPZ CW 589 599 80m Scotland
06/09/19 19:46 EW6FA CW 579 599 80m Belarus
06/09/19 19:35 PAØSLW CW 599 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 19:30 PA3FRC CW 599 579 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 19:20 DF3SM CW 579 599 80m Federal Republic Of Germany
06/09/19 19:15 PA3AAN CW 599 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 19:05 PAØHTT CW 599 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 19:00 PC75BOA CW 599 599 80m Netherlands
06/09/19 18:53 LX75V CW 569 549 80m Luxembourg
06/09/19 18:25 G4ZXN CW 599 599 80m England
06/09/19 17:05 ON4ADI CW 599 599 80m Belgium
05/09/19 15:55 G4BSW CW 589 599 80m England
05/09/19 15:45 G4HWK CW 589 599 80m England
05/09/19 14:25 DHØMAX CW 569 559 20m Federal Republic Of Germany